Our recent Virginia Park Estate Development projects consisting more recently of a Childcare Center for Platypus Junction, licensed for 120 children.
The architect designed building and landscape works with ramps both internal and external. Completed on time and within budget. 1,600m2 at a cost of $2m.
4 Yawla Street, Bentleigh comprising the development and construction of two double storey townhouse side by side thus optimising available usable space with a realisation value of $1.2m.
Nuera Care Centre 2-3/31 Sabre Drive, Port Melbourne comprising the fit out of 1500m2 over two buildings of a health care facility with a project value of $1m.
This design and construct project was completed in record time under significant financial constraints and was completed in time for the client’s grand opening.
78 Linacre Road Hampton comprising the development and construction of two double storey townhouses with a realisation value of $2.3m. Both townhouses have been designed and built with the future in mind.
They have been wired with complete C-BUS home automation networks.