Broadworks was engaged by 370 Degrees group to provide Development Management Services for the design and development of the NECA Skills Centre at 107 Brunswick Road, Carlton North.
The site comprised an existing warehouse shell bounded by Brunswick Road to the South, an unnamed right of way to the West and abutting neighbouring buildings to the North and West. This project charter was to convert the existing site into a two storey training facility for up to 75 apprentice electricians.
The new building was to provide space for practical training facilities on the ground floor to service up to 42 students at a time. That been 16 on frames, 16 in cubicles and 10 on work benches. The first floor provided space for 4 lecture theatres, of which 2 could be combined to convert into a double sized presentation room.
Appropriate amenities including a dinning area, canteen, student and teacher amenities, staff rooms and reception were also provided.
Supplementary funding was sought and granted by the State and Federal Governments and as such, the government was also a stakeholder in the project.
The extent of project works covered concept & detailed design of the new structure, construction and handover of the building ready for fit out works by others. The original scope and budget was developed on the basis of providing the new structure, internal partitions, amenities, new ceilings, services, floor coverings and wall finishes and minimum joinery to allow fit off of amenities.
The project was successfully delivered by Broadworks and opened by The Minister for Indigenous Employment and Economic Development, Minister for Sport, Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness, Senator for New South Wales, Mark Arbib in March 2010.